Being in room 19 has been a wonderful opportunity for me to make new friends. It has been a good year having a fun and creative teacher Ms Tito. This year i have made many friends and have had lots of fun. One of my friends name is Raihan, he is now my best friend.
I will miss my friends when I carry on my learning at college. I will miss what they have done for me. I hope I will see them in the future. Have a fun and cool life to all the year 7 and teachers.
I will also miss our wonderful teachers and teacher aids. It has been wonderful knowing all of these teachers and what they do for us. I will miss everyone thank you for being kind to me.
I will miss everything and everyone in the school. I hope this school will carry on to make dreams and hopes come true thank you Teachers.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Camp Keswick
On Tuesday was going to be awesome day for the year 8 it was camp day. As all year 8 pack the bus we boarded the bus. It was a long ride into we got to camp but it was worth it. We meet a man Rob he was the boss. We headed inside to unpack and get ready for our first thing.
We had to go a for hike up a bush walk. My feet were aching when I got half way rocky and dusty path it was like hell. I finally got to the top it was all downhill from here lucky my feet was going to fall off.
One of my favorite things to do was the luge and the Geyser. I like the luge because it was my first time and is was fast. When I was racing down the hill I past Richard it was so fun.
The Geyser was my favorite because it look interesting at it shoots boiling hot water in the air. The only bad thing was it smell really bad but it was a cool camp.Thank you teachers. 

Carlos's Netbook Reflection
It has been a good opportuning having a netbook this year. When I did not have a netbook I didn’t really know my maths. Into I got a netbook. I have search strategies to help, now I am one of the best mathematician in our class. I have also learn about pi and why it is involved with maths.
Our netbook have also helped me with reading,art,writing and many more. Instead of reading normal books I have been reading online books.One of my favorite site is Kiwi News because it tell us kids what is going on in world and why.
At home when my brother Vincent was bored I jumped on my netbook and showed him a cool clip on how play dough can make a light bot work. We bought the stuff to make it and went back online to watch how to make it.
Our teacher has always told us to be purple cow (stand out of others). Mrs T has also told us to think outside of box and you will become more better than before. My friend Anthony has always been a purple cow that is why he always stands out.
I have learned from my friend Anthony how to sow a ripped couch. It has help me in life. I have helped him by recording his movies and editing it to. We have come good friend and will always have each others back.
My thinking have become better and better because of our netbooks. It has also hit top of the class.Thank you Mrs and Mr Burt for our net book.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Nelson Mandela
Former president of South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela has died of age. He was born in July 18th 1918 and sadly died on December the 6th. Nelson will be known as the best man in the 20th century. He grew up with 13 brothers and sisters 4 brothers and 9 sisters.
Nelson Mandela celebrated his 90th birthday in his retirement home in Qunu close by where he was born.Nelson Mandela has made many hopes and dream come true. He has also become a hero,leader and many more names. Hundreds of people around the world believe in Nelson Mandela and his beliefs.He has tried to stop racism and unfairness.
Nelson Mandela was sentenced 27 years in prison for believing that black and white people could be together. He was in a small cell and had to use the floor for a bed, a bucket for a toilet. Nelson was forced to do hard labour for part of his sentenced.
For part of the sentenced he only could have one visitor a year for 30 mins. He could write and receive a letter every 6 months. Everyday he was in they more people started to believe in him he was becoming a leader even in prison.
After 27 years he has become stronger and better than before. He has changed the ways now everyone is in peace. R.I.P Nelson Mandela.
Monday, December 2, 2013
My Highlights This Year
My best highlights 2013 is Film festival because we got to go and have a chance to watch other schools movie it was awesome because I sat by my friends and have a great time. When we were watching the big screen I could see some of my mates talking on the stand.
Fiafia was one of my best highlights because we could show off to our partners and have fun.
I was in hip hop for Fiafia we had to wear army clothes it was cool. We had to practice everyday
into we had it. We dance to Mack And More
My Last highlights was being in Miss Tito class we have had lots of fun this year. It was cool being in her class because we always did art and creative things. I will miss my classmates because it is my last year.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Kia ora koutou
(Greetings to you all )
Kua hui mai nei
(Who have gathered here )
Ki tenei kura
(To this school)
i te aroha
(The love)
Ka nui te koa
( Great is happiness)
Mo to koutou manawanui
( For your dedication)
Ki te haere mai
(In coming)
Ki te awhina
( To support / help)
i te reo Maori
( The Maori language)
E pa ana ki tenei kura
(Concerning this school)
Mo to koutou manawanui
( For your dedication)
Ki te haere mai
(In coming)
Ki te awhina
( To support / help)
i te reo Maori
( The Maori language)
E pa ana ki tenei kura
(Concerning this school)
Friday, November 1, 2013
First Day Of School
The darkness turned to light as the sun shone through the crack between the curtains “It’s morning,” I shouted. I jumped out of bed and sped down the hallway leaving burn marks on the carpet. I jumped on mom's bed like a bomb landing, waking her up with a fright and shouted, “Time for school”. Struggling to get my uniform on, my head got stuck in my sleeve. I ran to the car and belted my self in. First day of school here I come.
I skipped into class and hugged my mum goodbye. I looked up and saw her first tear drop. “You’re’ finally going to school,” she said tearfully. Through the doors I saw my brother in his class having fun. I thought in my head, “Thats going to be me.” As I stood shyly at the door my teacher welcomed me to the class and told me his name. “My name is Mr Mcnal,” he told me in a very nice voice.
After a day filled with drawing, playing with lego, playing sea monsters in the playground and making creations with playdough, school was over. As I looked out the window I saw Mum arriving. I jumped up with excitement and ran outside to tell my mum everything. As it was a long way home I dozed off in a dream and my mum slipped me into bed. “He had must have a good day” she said.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Malala nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Kiwi Kids News
Read the whole article and record the key words or phrases that answer the following questions.
News Article Headline
Copy and paste Link/URL here
Malala Yousafzai
She has been nominated for a nobel peace prize
he is from Pakistan but is living in England at the moment
Will find out at the end of October if she has won
Because she was fighting to education for girls in Pakistan
Rewrite the article in your own words
Malala nominated for Nobel Peace Prize |
Malala Yousafzai has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, for fighting for girls
education in Pakistan. Even though she got shot by the Taliban for speaking about
girls education she still has been fighting for equal rights. At the moment she is in England because her life is in danger and because she is waiting for an operation.
The winners are announced at the end of October.
Opinion and Why:
What do you think about this news and why
I think that she was the youngest girl in the world to be nominated for the Nobel Prize because the average age is 62 to win it. She is a inspiration to all school girls in Pakistan by fighting for equal rights.
What are some questions this article has prompted tat you may like to find out the answers to
How did it feel to be nominated to win. Was it hard fighting for freedom.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
North Shore
On Labour Weekend my brothers and I went to my sister's house down in the North Shore. As we where they my brother Vincent an I went next door to go and play at the park. When we got to the park we jump on out scooters ant went to the skate park it was by the play ground.
Me and Vincent went home and played on the xbox I always won.After that i pick up the phone and called my friend Raihan and talk to him about a game called Adventure Quest, it's a awesome game that you can kill monsters.
It was time for dinner we had a nice muscle chowder and fried bead it filled my tummy can't wait till breakfest.
Me and Vincent went home and played on the xbox I always won.After that i pick up the phone and called my friend Raihan and talk to him about a game called Adventure Quest, it's a awesome game that you can kill monsters.
It was time for dinner we had a nice muscle chowder and fried bead it filled my tummy can't wait till breakfest.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Carlos & Raihan Report Of Sydney Tragic Fires
For some time a forest fire has been shoot in west of Sydney. The fire’s have been going on since 14 th of October. Many fire fighters have gone and try to help, and many have been sent to the hospital of serious burns. The temperatures has been getting higher which means worse fire’s, and means more people getting hurt.
Over 200 homes have been destroyed and over 100 were destroyed today. The fire’s have killed many people. One man named Walter Lindner try to save his house but tragically died on his way to the hospital.
Fire fighters will carry on shooting tons and tons of water until every bit of fire is gone.
Thanks to all fire fighters for helping Sydney.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
This morning we look at our writing and fix it to make it better.
In the holidays my family and I went down to Napier, to see my brother. As we were going on our trip we went on a road called Dead Man's Elbow. It was a very big hill, with a big drop at the end. Finally we got to Napier I was so happy to see my brother. One of my favourite things to do while we were in Napier was to go and see a great leader named Tepania. She is a statue that sits on top of one of Napier fountain.
Our other favourite things to do was go swimming at the pools. I dived in the pool like a seagull gliding over the water and landed like a dolphin it was so awesome. My brother and I played lots of games like ball tigge, tag, racing and much more. After playing in the water we went back to our nan’s and sat in the sun to dry off, before we went inside.
After staying a week in Napier it was time to go home. I said my byes to my family and we were off. It was going to be another long day getting home. It was awesome at Napier can’t wait to come back.
Monday, October 14, 2013
This morning we had 40 minutes to write about anything we wanted. From this we are going to get some writing goals for this term. this is what I wrote.
In the holidays my family and I went down to Napier, to see my brother. As we were going on our trip we went on a road called Dead Man's Elbow. It was a very big hill, with a big drop at the end. Finally we got to Napier I was so happy to see my brother. One of my favourite things to do while we were in Napier was to go and see a great leader named Tepania. She is a statue that sits on top of one of Napier fountain.
Our other favourite to do was go swimming in the pool. I dived in the pool like a seagull gliding over the water and landed like a dolphin it was so awesome. My brother and I played lots of games like ball tigge, tag, racing and much more. After playing in the water we went back to our nan’s and sat in the sun to dry off, before we went inside.
After staying a week in Napier it was time to go home. I said my byes to my family and we were off. It was going to be another long day getting home. It was awesome at Napier can’t wait to come back.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Prospective Student
The boy was determined to get to the top of the towering mountain to find the dojo. Suddenly as he was climbing the vertical rocks one of his hands struggled to get to the next and slipped.”
Oh no this is the end” he thought in his head. He was petrified. He stretched his other hand and gripped strongly to the ledge above and heaved himself up. As he was nervously waiting to catch his breath he noticed that he was at the top.
The boy was determined to get to the top of the towering mountain to find the dojo. Suddenly as he was climbing the vertical rocks one of his hands struggled to get to the next and slipped.” Oh no this is the end” he thought in his head.
He was petrified. He stretched his other hand and gripped strongly to the ledge above and heaved himself up. As he was nervously waiting to catch his breath he noticed that he was at the top.
“THANK GOD theres the dojo” he shouted. He hiked up the icy path one step at a time wiping his sweat. “This is my time”.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Rosa Parks
Ms Rosa Parks had just finished a hard day’s work and is on the bus way home. As normal on Montgomery Alabama busers. black in the back and white in the front. If a white person enters the bus and they are no seats a black person would have to give they seat up.
A white man walks into the bus and waits for Ms Rosa to move. Ms Rosa does not give up her seat. The white man tells the bus driver and the bus driver waves to the police. The police enters the bus and arrested Ms Rosa. Ms Rosa goes to jail for only five days.
As people saw and heard what happens they started protesting because she got arrested for just not giving up her seat.They chose to boycott using the bus. They started walking. Taxi drivers changed black people 10c and white people 45c but they lost their jobs. Black people started they own taxi company by using their own cars. The protest went on for a year and the local civil right were finally changed by new legislation from the president.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Rainbow Warrior Bombing
One dark night in July 1985 2 suspicious men motored around Mechanics bay on a zodiac.It was odd these two men were wearing scuba diving gear in the middle of the night. Through the mist they targeted towards Marsden Wharf. Meanwhile as Greenpeace’s ship Rainbow Warrior was anchored at Marsden Wharf, a party was being celebrated, the director of the anti-nuclear movement’s 29th birthday. The two unknown men slipped down through the water unnoticed. They swam under the Rainbow Warrior and attached two limpet bomb to the bottom of the boat stealthily.
Suddenly a tragic blast exploded through the walls of the Rainbow Warrior. “Abandon ship Abandon ship,” said Pete Willox in a loud voice. They all escaped except photographer Fernando Pereira, he ran back to the ship after the first explosion to claim his things. Water was thundering through the hallways hitting everything in it’s way. As every second went past the more water came tumbling in. The Rainbow Warrior sunk and no sight of Fernando Pereira was found until they retrieved his body later on.
The two suspicious men were actually working with 11 undercover spies for the French government. After the bombing New Zealand police tracked and arrested two of the spies Dominique Prieur and Alain Mafart who ended up getting sentenced to ten years in jail.
But only stayed in jail for 2 years. Unfortunately the French Government gave New Zealand 13m dollars, and said if they don’t give they spies back they will boycott using New Zealand products. That meant losing thousands and thousands of dollars. `
The French spies blew up the Rainbow Warrior because they were trying to stop them from protesting against the nuclear testing in French Polynesia. This was causing negative impacts like death, radiation poisoning, health problems like birth deformities and cancer.
This was the only New Zealand terrorist attack.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Every Thursdays from the starting of term 3 Room 19 went to basketball training.“Yes we're going to basketball” I said to my friend Silas next door to me when we were walking.
As I saw the basketball court I was just about to run down to our teacher and hug but didn't really want to.
We went to practice bouncing,handling and how to do awesome tricks. Every time we go to basketball we practice jump stop. One of my favourite things to do at basketball was a game called King Of The Count. To play King Of The Court you have to start in a small circle and try backhand the other person ball out of the circle.
The first week we had basketball I was so surprised when Mrs Lagitupu took us to the court to play basketball. I was happy. The first thing we did was play a warm up game. We play octopus, as I was zooming down the court I notices that everyone was in but four of my classmates. I got tag first out of them but it was a cool game.
As we were leaving basketball we said a good thank you to our basketball teacher and went back to class. “Today was great” I said can’t wait for next week.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Movie Reflection
Neo, Calvin and I made a movie about what we loved. Our movie was so awesome because we had very good graphics and it was interesting. When I was watching it I felt like jumping off my seat and do those things. We could have done more on our background. I reckon that we should have had more music so it was entertaining.
Our Movie
Thursday, August 1, 2013
1980's And 2013
1980’s EventsIn 1980’s, the Americans boycotted (Protest ) the Moscow Olympics because of what happen in December 27th 1979. In 1979, Russia invaded Afghanistan. They invaded because they wanted more land and power.
Music in 2013
Over the last 2 decades of years, music has change a lot from the 1970’s of disco and the 1980’s of the jackson 5. Since then the music today has got its own style to it. Have you noticed that every song we listen to today either have Rap, Pop, R&B, Hip Hop or Techno in it.
We even have new styles like Dubstep, (It is an electronic song with lots of bass and beats) .
top 3 songs of 2013 so far.
1. Radioactive (by Imagine dragons)
2. get lucky (by Daft punk ft Pharrell Williams
3. Treasure (by Bruno Mars)
Friday, July 5, 2013
Prospective Student
The boy was determined to get to the top of the towering mountain to find the dojo. Suddenly as he was climbing the vertical rocks one of his hands struggled to get to the next and slipped.” Oh no this is the end” he thought in his head. He was petrified. He stretched his other hand and gripped strongly to the ledge above and heaved himself up. As he was nervously waiting to catch his breath he noticed that he was at the top.
“THANK GOD there's the dojo” he shouted. He hiked up the icy path one step at a time wiping his sweat. “This is my time”
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