When I was going in the woods to find some wood for the fire I saw a big tree. “This is perfect,” I said to myself. I picked up my big axe and hit the tree with a big thump. Then something brushed up against my leg and my surprise turned to horror as I looked down and saw a big muscly wolf. It was gigantic! I dashed away as quickly as I could yelling, “IT’S GOING TO EAT ME!” Run. Run. Run I thought to myself. I ran as far as a could until I could run no more. I looked around and couldn't see the wolf anymore, I was so happy because I was alive.
BUT THEN ….......... the wolf was back and it was angrier than before! It jumped so high it was about to bite me. So I picked up a big rock and hit the wolf right in the leg and stood up and ran to my place. I told my Dad and he came out and ran to look for the wolf to kill him. My dad found the big beast and he picked up his gun, put it by his head and said, "Run away beast!" The wolf ran away from my Dad because he was the big man!
The next day I was so happy it was gone because I could walk in the woods without being scared. Then something brushed against my foot. And I said here we go again.